Pin Tucks (Unmeasured)

Technique: Pin Tucks (Unmeasured)
Materials: Bleached cotton, cotton thread
Spacing/Size: Various
Folding Methods: Fold and sew at crease, then move onto the next tuck
Anchoring methods: Top stitching done with a machine
Notes and Reflections: Advantages, Disadvantages, Ideas, Evaluations
• If measured properly, folds can be uneven but proportionately spaced (fabric stays straight)
• Fold-as-you-go method is fun and can be done at the sewing machine without having to use and iron, pin and ruler
• Differences in spacing between folds can result in uneven lengths from one side to the other
Ideas for Exploration:
• Good introductory tucking method for a beginner sewer
• Improvisational sewing process method