Pin Tucks (Muslin)

Technique: Pin Tucks (Muslin)
Materials: Muslin, cotton thread
Spacing/Size: ½” spaced
Folding Methods: Fabric marked at increments and then folded, pressed, pinned 
Anchoring methods: Pressing alone does not insure tucks to remain, needs top stitch along length of fold
Notes and Reflections: Advantages, Disadvantages, Ideas, Evaluations
• Folded, Top (bottom) and back (above) shown in sample
• Back appears to be pieced (kind of like a French seam)
• Lightweight fabric is fairly easy to tuck, heavier fabric may prove to be more difficult
• Top stitch allows for easy handling afterwards (can be washed, manipulated without undoing folds)
• Very difficult to keep perfectly straight and evenly spaced, folds have to be sewn to remain
Ideas for Exploration:
• Gradations in spacing, seam allowance
• Other fabrics
• What if the fabric was ombre dyed to give the appearance of piecing gradated fabric instead of one piece